We are inviting individuals and organisations to add their names to our statement. You can do so by completing the form at the bottom or emailing [email protected]
We had become increasingly concerned at the hostile and dehumanising rhetoric from the Home Office, and the Home Secretary in particular, around people seeking sanctuary. This concern was compounded with the announcement earlier this year of new government proposals which threaten the right to seek asylum in the United Kingdom – a right enshrined in international law more than half a century ago. Penalising people and threatening their asylum claims based on how they travel to seek asylum contravenes this right and undermines our history of offering sanctuary to people who need it.
The proposals would punish people forced to take “irregular” routes to claim asylum in the UK, deeming them “inadmissible” to the asylum system. They would then be targeted for removal from the UK. If they could not be removed, then they would be given temporary protection with less entitlement to support and family reunion rights*. This temporary protection would mean that people would be regularly reassessed for removal, a system which would create a huge burden of uncertainty and fear amongst those seeking sanctuary.
The proposals also include the possibility of offshore processing, amending the National Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 to make it possible to move people whilst an asylum claim is pending. We have seen various reported suggestions for locations but what remains is that, as we have seen in Australia, offshore processing is an inhumane and dangerous way to treat our fellow human beings.
The policy also creates a dichotomy of deserving and undeserving; those few who are able to come through government resettlement schemes versus the majority who are forced to take irregular routes into the country. We wish that people did not have to resort to risking their lives to enter the UK and have long campaigned for safe and legal routes that take away this need. However, introducing punitive measures against people who are forced to enter through irregular routes is not the answer.
In her speech to the House of Commons, Priti Patel referred to “illegal arrivals.” Language such as this demonises and dehumanises; no one is illegal, and it is a dangerous narrative to pursue. People seek asylum here because of war, persecution and violence; they have fled some of the most unspeakable horrors and should be offered protection, not criminalised.
Under international law, anyone has the right to apply for asylum in any country that has signed the 1951 Convention and to remain there until the authorities have assessed their claim. It is also recognised in the Convention that people fleeing persecution may have to use irregular means in order to escape and to claim asylum in another country, and there is no legal way to travel to the UK for the specific purpose of seeking asylum. Moreover, there is no requirement under international law that asylum must be sought in the first safe country that the person encounters.
We agree that the asylum system needs a massive overhaul. In its current state it is ineffective and inhumane; these proposals will only make that worse. Penalising people for seeking sanctuary here through irregular routes is unfair and unjust, especially when there is little other option. The Home Office says that “Britain needs a firm but fair system.” We believe that this is anything but fair.
*The wording of the Bill does not state this as definite, but allows for the possibility of differential treatment, including an attachment of No Recourse to Public Funds to any leave to remain given and whether leave to remain is given to family members. The New Plan for Immigration stated that this was the intention and we have no reason to believe that if the Bill passes, this will not be the case.
Initial Signatories
We are grateful to all of our signatories, especially those that signed the initial statement listed below.
Bristol City of Sanctuary
Ashley Community Housing
Avon Fire Brigades Union
Bridges for Communities
Bristol Defend Asylum Seekers Campaign
Bristol Hospitality Network
Bristol Green Group of Councillors
Bristol Labour Group of Councillors
Bristol Liberal Democrats of Councillors
Bristol Refugee Festival
Bristol Refugee Rights
Caring in Bristol
Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence
Cllr Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor of Bristol
Council of Bristol Mosques
Communication Workers Union South West Region
Darren Jones MP Bristol North West
Easton Jamia Masjid
Fire Brigades Union – South West
Global Goals Centre
Hazrat Bilal Masjid
Horfield Quaker Meeting
Houria CIC
Karin Smyth MP Bristol South
Kerry McCarthy MP Bristol East
Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol
Nailsea Baptist Church
Project MAMA
Redland Quaker Meeting
Refugee Women of Bristol
SARI (Stand Against Racism and Inequality)
South West Trades Union Council
St Nicholas of Tolentino RC Church
Thangam Debbonaire MP Bristol West
Unite South West
914 individuals
Bristol Bike Project
The New Room
Bristol Signing Support
Bristol Muslim Strategic Leadership Group
St. Pius the Tenth RC Church
NPC Gloucestershire, Avon and Somerset
Trauma Foundation South West
Aid Box Community
St Werburghs City Farm
Bristol Salaam Shalom
Here We Grow
Lancaster and Morecambe City of Sanctuary
Womankind Bristol Women’s Therapy Centre
St Josephs Parish Peasedown St John
Bristol Protect our NHS
Bristol Medact
Art Refuge
CHAS Bristol
Bristol STAR
Bristol Street Goat
Social Workers Without Borders
Bristol Older Peoples Forum
Rose Savage Bridal
Beacon Centre
SW Agencies Ltd
Bristol Drugs Project
ARC Environmental Group, Bristol
Easton Cowboys and Cowgirls Sports and Social Club
Holy Trinity PCC
Tamarisk Training
Communication Workers Union Bristol and District
Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living (BRIL)
Bristol Rebel Elders
XR Act Your Age
Bristol Community Ferry Boats
Amnesty Bristol
Bristol University Amnesty International
Culture Instable
Lorraine Ayensu Refugee Arts
Culture Declares Emergency South West
Ashwell & Co
Westbury Welcome
Mindscape Therapies Ltd
Heartfelt Ceremony Ltd
Jess Walker Psychology Services
Amnesty Mid-Gloucestershire
Bristol and Bath Freedom from Torture
Bristol Old Vic
Migration Mobilities Bristol
Refugees Welcome North Somerset
St Pauls Advice Centre
New Pathways
Bristol Churches Together for Bristol
Bristol Momentum
Ammerdown Centre
The Knitted Pea
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