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What can you do?

We invite you, whether you are an individual or represent an organisation (such as a local voluntary group, a charity or a business), to get involved in whatever way you can and there are several ways to do this.

  • You can sign up for our newsletter to stay informed, just click here.
  • Become a supporter by spreading the word of welcome in your community, family and amongst friends, and by actively welcoming those seeking asylum.  Check out this list of ideas for some inspiration and our sign up form!
  • Become a member and help to shape the direction of the charity. Members have certain rights and responsibilities, and pay an annual fee. There are a few conditions that must be met to become a member, check out this page to sign up.
  • Become a donor through supporting our work and our Transport Fund financially, if possible through a monthly standing order. Click here to access the form.
  • Apply for a job or become a volunteer by working with us or other organisations in the city, check out the opportunities available here.

If you want to know more about these options, please read our Membership and Support notes.

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