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Schools of Sanctuary Project Coordinator

The Schools Project Coordinator will engage with key staff and governors in local primary and secondary schools and colleges to help them embed a culture of welcome and inclusion for sanctuary seeking students. They will support schools and colleges to work towards the Sanctuary Award, including providing training for school staff, working in partnership with key statutory and non-statutory stakeholders and overseeing the assessment process.

If you are passionate about this work and have personal, voluntary or paid experience with the asylum system we would love to hear from you!

Click here for full details on the role and how to apply.

How to apply?

Please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected] by Friday 21st February and we will arrange an interview for Wednesday 5th March. 

If you have a background of forced migration and you meet the essential criteria, you will be guaranteed an interview.

Do not hesitate to email or call us on 07341 218 773 with any questions you may have about the role. Good luck with your application!

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Bristol



Borderlands is a charity that works with people who are asylum seekers and refugees. Through various projects, they support their members to improve their lives and the community in which they live. Their work at Borderlands would not be possible without the contribution of their large team of skilled volunteers.

Borderlands are not currently recruiting for volunteers, but if you fill in this form they will contact you once they have active volunteer vacancies. They recruit volunteers as needed across all of their projects. Once you have submitted this form, you will be added to their pool of potential volunteers. They will contact you once they have active volunteer vacancies to see if you are still interested. This may take a few months – depending on when they last recruited!

Bristol Signing Support 

Bristol Reporting Solidarity  are welcoming new volunteers on to their Wednesday morning sessions! They attend Patchway Police station every Wednesday morning to offer a friendly face and a chat to asylum seekers having to report to the Home Office as part of their bail conditions. They also offer signposting to services provided by others, for example foodbanks, and destitution support.

There are 2 shifts on Wednesdays, 9.30-11.30 and 11.30-14.00 . Two volunteers are required for each shift.

If you are interested in signing up then email them at [email protected] and check out their Facebook page.

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