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Forward and I recently gave a presentation on the City of Sanctuary movement to the South West Regional Committee of Unite the Union. Following the warm reception we received we have been contacted by Uniteโ€™s Education Department and will be setting up a meeting to explore what support they may be able to provide for the work we are doing by offering skills training. As a union Unite have already piloted a number of initiatives in this area. Iโ€™ll keep you updated on this as we move ahead.

Trade unions are amongst those organisations that we increasingly intend to engage with. Already we have the active support of the South West TUC itself and a number of union branches in the area. The union movement encapsulates many of the values and the spirit of the City of Sanctuary movement โ€“ solidarity, support for those who most need it and empowering people to ensure they are able to make their contribution and determine their own future.

Unionโ€™s are striving daily for justice for their members and ensuring basic rights and protection for those in the workplace. But they also continue to push on a whole range of issues in the wider society, including demonstrating their opposition to all forms of discrimination. The TUC is also at the forefront of the campaign to give asylum seekers the right to work โ€“ something that Bristol City of Sanctuary supporters recently identified as one of our key issues.

And their campaigning skills and experience can be invaluable in helping movementโ€™s like the City of Sanctuary spread our message.

As always your comments and views are most welcome.

Matt Gillett
Outreach & Project Worker

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