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Building a Culture of Welcome

On Wednesday 7th September, Bristol City of Sanctuary is launching their three year strategy at the Great Hall in Wills Memorial Building.

This event will bring together and will showcase the great work schools, universities, arts and faith groups and businesses are doing to champion sanctuary in our city. We will also be exploring what more needs to be done, and how we can work together to make Bristol an even greater place to live and work – for everyone.

We have invited key Bristol businesses, art and faith groups that have yet to engage with our charity, in a hope of introducing them to the work we have done and educating them on how they can aid us in the future – to create a more welcoming culture in Bristol for people seeking sanctuary.

After a keynote address from Mayor Marvin Rees, there will be a chance for all these different sectors to network with one another and discuss with each other how together Bristol can build a โ€˜Culture of Welcome.โ€™

If this event would interest you, please do register at

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