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Membership of BCoS is open to both individuals and organisations; the process is almost the same in each case. There are only two criteria which make you eligible for membership.

  • Members must be committed to furthering the objects of the charity.
  • Members must have a local connection with Bristol or the surrounding area: Organisational Members must have an office in the Bristol area and Individual Members must live, work or study there.

The application process for membership is straightforward.

  1. Read the โ€˜Membership and Supportโ€™ notes.
  2. If you are an organisation, your governing body must decide to apply.
  3. Complete the sign up form: you can do this online, or download the Membership PDF Form, print and sign it, then return it to the BCoS office.
  4. Pay the annual membership fee.ย  If possible, we ask you to set up a standing order, but you can also pay by cheque or, when the facility is made available, by cash.ย  However you pay, if you are an individual and able to do so, please complete the Gift Aid form to enable us to claim back tax you have paid on your membership. Membership is free for people seeking asylum.
  5. Tell people what you have done!ย  We need your help to publicise BCoS and the work we do.
  6. Consider what other practical steps you can take to support refugees and asylum seekers in Bristol. You can download our list of suggestions, but please feel free to come up with other ideas โ€“ and let us know!

The Trustees have the right to approve applications for membership, but have decided at present not to exercise this right. They are, however, able to investigate and, if necessary, take action if it appears that a membership is not in the best interests of the charity.

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