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Here are a few suggestions of ways that you can help make Bristol a place of safety and welcome.

  • Invite somebody with lived experience of seeking sanctuary to speak to your organisation
  • Influence others; challenge myths and stereotypes
  • Offer volunteer placements for people seeking sanctuary that are suitably skilled
  • Advertise paid jobs on refugee networks
  • Consider appointing those seeking sanctuary to positions of responsibility in your community
  • Offer your meeting space to an asylum or refugee community group
  • Fundraise for an asylum or refugee charity
  • Contribute to the Transport Fund to relieve the impact of destitution & homelessness
  • Use your links with schools to promote the Schools and Colleges of Sanctuary initiative
  • Provide short or longer-term accommodation to people seeking sanctuary that are homeless by offering a spare room, or by contributing to the rent for a house (Bristol Hospitality Network).
  • Offer to be part of a sub-group e.g. Schools and Colleges of Sanctuary; campaigns; action through faith groups
  • Publicise City of Sanctuary, Bristol Refugee Festival and other refugee events within your community
  • Offer mentoring opportunities for people seeking sanctuary
  • Publicise opportunities to volunteer with refugee charities
  • Sign off your email with a note about seeking sanctuary
  • Ask your organisation, group, business, place of worship to pass a resolution of support for Bristol City of Sanctuary
  • Offer befriending or advocacy to people seeking sanctuary in your area.

If you have a skill or particular interest that isnโ€™t mentioned above, get in touch and we may be able to suggest a way that it could be used to benefit people seeking sanctuary locally. Equally, get in touch if you would like further explanation of any of the above or if you have any suggestions.

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