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Our supporters:
Arts: ACTA Community Theatre, Afrika Eye, Bristol Society of Recorder Players, Create it! (Arts) Ltd, Trinity Community Arts Ltd., Tribe of Doris
Advisory/ Services: Bristol Community Housing Advice Service, Bristol Debt Advice Centre, Bristol Foundation Housing, Clean Slate Training and Employment, Shelter Housing Support Service, St Pauls Advice Centre, The Ethical Property Company, Victim Support-Avon and Somerset, Thinking people
Associations: FCA (Foster Care Associates) Western
Businesses/ Enterprises: Coexist, Community Resolve, Houria, Phoenix Social Enterprise, Movementor, Reckless Orchard, Rolls-Royce, The Bristol Port Company, Visit West
Campaigns/ Social Movements: Bristol Defend the Asylum Seekers Campaign (BDASC), Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Bristol Action for Southern Africa (Bristol ACTSA), Off the Record
Community Organisations: Bristol Folk House , Elays Development Network, Imayla, Malcolm X Centre, Modoto Ltd, Temwa, Voscur, Young Bristol, Cube Cinema Bristol
Charities: Amnesty International Bristol Group, African Initiatives, Anti-Slavery, Borderlands Charity, Bristol Hospitality Network, Bristol Refugee Rights, British Red Cross, Barnardo’s South West, Bristol Brunel Lions Club, Bristol Citizen Advice Bureau, FareShare South West, Happy City Initiative, 1625 Independent People, International Organisation for Migration,, One25, Oxfam South West, Refugee Women of Bristol, The Haven, Unseen, Wise Children
Education: Ashley Down Primary School, We the Curious (previously At-Bristol), Blaise High School, City Academy Bristol, City of Bristol College, Compass Point South Street School and Children’s Centre, Hotwells Primary School, Hannah More School, Jacari, Royal West of England Academy, St Nicholas of Tolentine RC Primary School, St Nicholas Tolentino, University of West England, WEA
Faith Groups: Bedminster Quaker Meeting, Churches Together in Greater Bristol, Clifton Diocese, Easton Christian Family Centre, FaithNet Southwest, John Wesley’s Chapel, Kingswood Methodist Church, Redland Park Church, Redland Quaker Meeting, Saint Bonaventure’s Roman Catholic Parish, St Gregory’s Church, Staple Hill Methodist Church, Trinity Henleaze, United Reformed Church, Tyndale Baptist Church, Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church
Forums: African Voices Forum (AVF), Bristol Multi-Faith Forum (BMFF), Bristol Somali Forum
Law: Avon and Bristol Law Centre, Simpson Millar LLP Solicitors, Burges Salmon
Media: Bristol Community FM (BcFM), National Union of Journalists Bristol Branch, Radio Salaam Shalom, Ujima Radio, Minuteman Press, The MediaWise Trust
Networks: Bristol Fairtrade Network
Politics: Bristol Green Party, Bristol Labour Party, Bristol Liberal Democrats
Projects: Bristol Drugs Project, The Brigstowe Project, The Bristol Bike Project, The Easton Family Practice
Retail: Kalahari Moon, Lush Bristol
Societies/ Groups: Amnesty International Weston-Super-Mare Group, Bristol and Avon Chinese Women’s Group, CWU South West Regional Committee, Society of Merchant Venturers, Somali Development Group, Student Action for Refugees
Sport/ Wellness: Bristol Rovers FC
Unions/ Councils: Bristol Trades Union Council, South West TUC, Unite the Union (South West), UWE Unison