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On the 17th of September Bristol City of sanctuary joined the national network and 10,000 people to stand in solidarity with refugees. People from all backgrounds and ages united in London, with an array of banners and placards. ย 20160917_152300

Timed to coincide with a UN Summit on refugees and migrants on the 19th of September, the march, organised by Solidarity with Refugees, called on the UK government to do more to help those seeking sanctuary.

The march was supported by over 70 organisations, including City of Sanctuary. The route took marchers through central London and culminated in a gathering in Parliament Square where attendees had the chance to hear from Lord Alfred Dubs, himself a refugee from the Nazi’s, and other refugees who had sought sanctuary in Europe.ย Other politicians and actors also addressed the crowd, with Juliet Stevenson speaking of her concern for the unaccompanied minors who are currently in Calais.
Reflecting on the success of the day, Forward Maisokwadzo, coordinator of Bristol City of Sanctuary andย Media & Communications Officer of City of Sanctuary, said that the march “left me feeling uplifted, seeing people from very diverse backgrounds and from across the UK, just coming together to express their willingness to welcome and provide safety to vulnerable refugees.”


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