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Bristol City of Sanctuary Trustees warmly invite you to our

Lunch-time Annual General Meeting

‘The Welcoming City’

Wednesday 17th July 2019   (12.30-3.00pm)

The New Room (John Wesley Chapel), 36 The Horsefair, BS1 3JE

Bristol City of Sanctuary was established as a charity last year.  The organisation continues to carry a key strategic role in Bristol, to promote the vision and message of welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary here.

This AGM will bring you up to date with both local and global refugee and migration initiatives to resist the hostile environment and make sanctuary a reality.  The focus will be on climate change and migration, city networks across Europe, and local action such as the Bristol University Sanctuary Scholarships scheme.  Formal business of the charity will be briefly conducted including presentation of accounts and approval of examiners.

Speakers include:

  • The Mayor, Marvin Rees,
  • the Manager of BCoS, Forward Maisokwadzo,
  • staff and students from Bristol University, with video made by STAR
  • the outgoing Director of Borderlands, April Humble

An excellent lunch, presented by Food without Borders, will be available on donation.

Please register at Eventbrite where you can also see the full programme

Individuals and organisations who support our aims are invited to become legal members of BCOS by completing the enclosed application form. You can also join at the event; please bring cash or cheque book.  Membership fees will provide the charity with essential core funding and entitle you to vote at any general meetings, including this AGM, and to receive information about, or join in with activities of Bristol City of Sanctuary.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Rev. Richard McKay (Chair of Trustees)

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