We are proud to join other local charities in calling on the Bristol and WECA mayoral candidates to publicly sign up to our list of ‘Asks.’ These ‘Asks’, which comprise of two different lists for the Bristol and WECA candidates, cover a range of priorities that will help to build a city of welcome for those seeking sanctuary here.
The ‘Asks’ come from Bristol Refugee and Asylum Seeker Partnership (BRASP). Made up of 16 charities, BRASP was in the process of forming in the months before the pandemic. The importance of this collaboration quickly became clear after the pandemic began, as collaborative working enabled people seeking sanctuary to access food, shelter, medical care and more across the city and beyond. BRASP have now published an evaluation report, which considers the combined effort during the pandemic and emphasises the need for service users to be at the heart of planning for post-covid19 services.
Yesterday, BRASP came together to present their evaluation report at a webinar attended by over 100 people. The webinar also launched the Mayoral Asks, putting the ‘Asks’ into the context of the wider hostile climate and demonstrating the need for the commitments. The BRASP Evaluation Report can be found here. The Bristol Mayoral Asks can be found here and WECA here.
Speaking of the initiative, Beth Wilson Director of Bristol Refugee Rights said, “this year we celebrate 10 years of Bristol being a City of Sanctuary. Our evaluation report includes our promise, as a partnership, of what we will do to continue to make refugees and asylum seekers welcome and safe in Bristol and the surrounding area. The Asks are our call to action for decision makers to work with us on these vital issues.”
BRASP’s “vision is that refugees and asylum seekers enjoy healthy and fulfilling lives in Bristol, have a voice and their needs are met by an effective, unified and sustainable sector.” We are excited to be part of this partnership. We look forward to continue working with incredible people and organisations to build a city of welcome, safety and hope for all.