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Help Sanctuary scholars challenge study bans

Two Sanctuary Scholars have recently been hit with study bans resulting in their suspension from Bristol University. If they study or sit their upcoming exams, the Home Office will classify this as a breach of their ‘bail conditions’ which can result in criminal proceedings, a fine and/or six months imprisonment.

Our students are desperate to study. They have fought so hard to get to the UK and establish a life here. They have also won scholarships at the University because they are intelligent, determined and inspirational members of the refugee community. Some of the courses our scholars study include: cancer immunology and biology/ primary education/ pharmacology/ law/ economics. They want to learn and help make the world a better place.


Because our students receive sanctuary scholarships, they cannot access legal aid. This scholarship money is to pay for accommodation, books, transport and the costs of student living.

We are crowd funding to cover the legal costs of challenging our students’ study bans. Help us get them back to University so they can complete their exams like any other student. Click here to access our crowd funding page.

#LetThemLearn #NototheHostileEnvironment #LifttheBan

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