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Following on from the vote in favour of passing the City of Sanctuary Motion to End Destitution, Bristol City Council has become the first and only Local Authority in the UK to join Still Human Still Here.

Still Human Still Here is a coalition of organisations who work together to put an end to the inhumane and unfair policies that force so many asylum seekers into destitution. They campaign for the provision of sufficient support for those forced into destitution, asking the government to make sure that this support meets the essential needs of those sanctuary seekers who would otherwise be destitute, until they are returned to their country of origin or are granted permission to stay in the UK. They also campaign for free access to healthcare for asylum seekers whilst they are in the UK and for the government to grant asylum seekers permission to work if their case has not been resolved within six months or they have been refused but, through no fault of their own, cannot be returned.

Mike Kaye, Advocacy Manager of Still Human Still Here celebrated the decision, stating that โ€œStill Human Still Here is delighted that Bristol City Council has become a member of the coalition and we look forward to working with the Council in pursuit of policies which ensure that refugees and asylum seekers are not left destitute in the UK. We hope that other Councils will follow the example set by Bristol and publicly support those people who are forced to leave their homes and come to this country to seek protection.โ€

To find out more about Still Human Still Here, please visit their website

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